Tropical Rainforest under Critically Endangered, The Lungs of The World Has Died!!!

2 min readFeb 19, 2021

Deforestation is the activity to change the function of forest areas with cutting down trees and Plants, and the land can be used for non-forest uses, such as agriculture, livestock or urban areas. Deforestation occurs due to pressure from land conversion. In addition, deforestation can also be caused by clearing forest areas for plantations, agriculture, livestock, and mining without carrying out reforestation or replanting efforts. One of the negative impacts of deforestation is that it can manage global stocks and acid rain events. Why did it happen? Due to deforestation, the forests that are located as absorbers of carbon dioxide will be lost, so that will automatically gather in the atmosphere which can cause global and risk of implementing acid rain. The solution we take to this problem is sustainable forest resource management. Sustainable forestry resource management is the best use of forest products without damaging the environment and maintaining natural preservation.

Deforestation (Illustration), Source: Laju Deforestasi Indonesia Naik-Turun, Begini Penjelasan KLHK — AgroIndonesia

Sustainable forestry is about caring for and managing forests to maintain the availability of natural resources, such as timber and clean water, which we need now and in the future. It also means preserving things from the forest such as wildlife habitats and beautiful landscapes. Sustainable forestry deals with all parts of the forest — trees, small plants, land, wildlife and water. This involves protecting forests from wildfires, pests, and disease, and conserving forests that are unique or special. Success in achieving sustainable forest management will provide integrated benefits for everyone, from protecting local livelihoods to protecting the biodiversity and ecosystems provided by forests, reducing rural poverty and mitigating some of the impacts of climate change. We have to start from replanting forests when old trees have been cut down, protect and preserve the forest by not cutting trees illegally and sanctioning those who do so

Uncontrolled deforestation has a huge negative impact that can affect life all over the earth. How important is the implementation of sustainable forestry because forests are the lungs of the earth. And if the lungs of the earth have started to deteriorate, the availability of oxygen needed by humans will diminish and there will be many natural disasters caused by forest loss.

